Code of Ethics
Our educational institution aims to develop and support globally minded individuals who want to become leaders in the world of business and innovation. All of our programmes, whether they are postgraduate courses or just complementary courses, are completely flexible and target students, their theoretical knowledge and subsequent practice. That’s why our study programmes are available not only within Europe but worldwide thanks to their online format, bringing us a diverse culture of graduates who currently represent more than 100 nationalities.
Through its activities, EIFM strives for high quality education through high academic standards and an emphasis on both individual analysis/critical thinking and collaborative learning for both students and professors. In all graduate programs, we aim for a balance between theoretical and practical knowledge and encourage a multidisciplinary perspective.
Academic integrity is one of the highest values that we hold dear at EIFM, and we place great emphasis on it. Any form of plagiarism or other dishonest behavior during the course of study is severely penalized by EIFM and may lead to the student’s expulsion from participation. We adhere to policies, procedures and all processes that seek to actively educate stakeholders, as well as informing and discouraging all students from any form of plagiarism or other academic dishonesty.
Plagiarism is the misuse of someone else’s work by passing it off as your own. This includes, but is not limited to:
– Using foreign words without proper citation.
– Paraphrasing someone else’s work without proper citation.
– Collaborating with another person and not acknowledging their work or contribution.
We apply vigilance and control of plagiarism throughout the course of study, particularly for student theses, final projects and dissertations, or case studies that build on the study.
We then consider academic dishonesty to be any behaviour or action aimed at gaining an unethical academic advantage. Examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to:
– Falsifying academic or other documents
– Submitting work that was written by another person or organization as one’s own.
– Copying someone else’s work
– Submitting the same work for more than one class assignment and/or recycling significant portions.
EIFM is committed to protecting all student education records. This institution will not release personally identifiable information to a third party without the written consent of the student. This access is limited and is for academic purposes only. Written consent for all other third parties must specify the records to be disclosed, the purpose of the disclosure, identify the party or group of parties to whom the disclosure may be made, and include the student’s signature and date.
The EIFM aims to create a global perspective on the issues under study. We therefore aim not only at the national but above all at the international level of the education provided. Students should be exposed to different ways of thinking and acting, be open to continuous learning and be familiar with global business trends.
EIFM’s goal is to be innovative in the delivery of our individual training programmes and to continually push our learning further. This is why we use the latest practices and technologies available in our studies, as well as exposing our students to the latest theories, trends and practices in international business.
EIFM aims to foster a culture that creates a safe and welcoming environment for all members of the community, including administrators, faculty, students, alumni, as well as partner institutions and their staff.
In particular, all EIFM members, both on the student and academic sides, are expected to:
– Maintain a positive, proactive and non-judgmental attitude towards different identities,
– Demonstrate the ability to conceptually and professionally engage with all members of the community in a culturally competent manner;
– They will show respect, appreciation and adaptability to the different cultures and nationalities with which they come into contact.
At EIFM, we strive to promote international and cultural diversity, not only through the broad perspective of the students who participate in the study, but also of the professors who deliver the study. The individual professors are therefore from different backgrounds and interact with each other, offering students a diverse world view and students are consequently better placed not only nationally but especially internationally.