MBA – International Management

Basic information

With the increasing globalisation of markets associated with the ICT revolution, more and more organisations are realising the importance of effective change management as the basis for competitive advantage in the global marketplace. The aim of this degree programme is therefore to prepare graduates for mid-career positions in private and public sector organisations (and NGOs) internationally.

The programme is designed to provide students with a comprehensive overview of international relations and modern history issues and their impact on international relations between states. Emphasis is placed on the area of international trade, which is undoubtedly central to the candidate, and on the concept of cooperation with transnational trading partners.

Graduation from this programme enables participation in diplomatic missions as middle and senior staff and in government administrations responsible for national foreign policy, commercial and non-commercial international organisations. Students can act as specialists for specific countries or areas.

Program structure

Whether you are already familiar with business and management theory or are completely new to the field, an MBA with a focus on international management will enable you to cover all functional areas of management. The international character of the programme provides a rich multicultural experience. Through individual courses, you will be able to acquire all the skills and knowledge needed to become a leader in international business.

The mindset of the core curriculum can be described as multicultural, entrepreneurial, strategic, ethical and collaborative. It includes subjects such as business statistics, financial accounting, finance, micro- and macroeconomics, strategic leadership, Big Data or entrepreneurial creativity and innovation. Highly specialised courses allow students to delve deeper into a particular issue and can gain specialisation in the field and discipline of their choice.

Study modules

International finance

  • International Accounting

  • International Finance

  • International Economy and Innovation

  • International Corporate Finance


  • Geopolitics and globalization

  • Global Strategy

  • Global Entrepreneurship and Sustainability

International business

  • International Trade and Commercial Law

  • International Marketing

  • International Negotiation and Communication

Study information:

  • 12 - 18 months
  • English
  • On-line
  • € 7000
  • 60 ECTS


Students have access to an online library with more than 10,000 professional publications, books and professional papers.
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Why study at EIFM

We want to be your guide on one of the most important journeys you will take in your life. A journey towards your personal growth, career improvement and fulfillment of your goals. Throughout this journey, we will do everything we can to ensure that you reach your full potential and get the most out of your studies at our Institute.

General overview

Our goal is lifelong learning. We are here to develop our students and provide them with up-to-date information, skills and knowledge to help them achieve their goals and ambitions in their personal and career lives.

Developing the entrepreneurial spirit

All our study programmes are designed to emphasise individualisation, the development of personal responsibility and an entrepreneurial spirit - key qualities that will give you a unique experience that will last a lifetime.

Effective teaching

The aim of our education is to prepare graduates to address contemporary economic, environmental and social challenges that impact society as a whole. We therefore provide our students with innovative and relevant knowledge and know-how that will develop their talents and take them to the next level.

Global reach

We are aiming not only at the national, but above all at the international level of education provided.  Students should be exposed to different ways of thinking and acting, be open to continuous learning and be familiar with global business trends.

Personal development

Our educational institution aims to develop and support globally minded individuals who want to become leaders in the world of business and innovation. All our study programmes are completely flexible and target students, their theoretical knowledge and subsequent practice.

Critical thinking

Sufficient knowledge and its critical evaluation is the path to freedom. We therefore instill in our students the critical thinking skills and creativity that will prepare them not only to anticipate, but more importantly, to meet the challenges they will be forced to face in today's global world.

Tuition fee

Are you ready to take the next step?

If you’re ready to take your career and personal life up a notch and want to get an education with an innovative and practical approach, don’t hesitate!

Tuition fee of the program:
€ 7000

The tuition fee for the MBA programme is € 7000. Payment can be made in one lump sum or spread over up to 5 interest-free instalments.

A first instalment of € 1500 is always required before the start of your studies.
Tuition fees include study materials and access to all seminars or online lectures organised by the European Institute of Finance & Management.

5% discount
If the student decides to pay the tuition fee in one lump sum before starting his/her studies, a discount of 5% of the tuition fee will be applied additionally.

Admission procedure

There are no tests, exams or interviews as part of the admissions process. All you have to do is meet the study requirements, which are as follows for the MBA programme:

  • Completion of at least a Bachelor’s degree,
  • A CV with sufficient information about your education, volunteer experience, work experience, or extracurricular activities,
  • Motivation letter – In case the admissions committee has doubts about accepting you to study, they may require a motivation letter that should reflect your professional goals, strengths, focus, etc.
    If you are interested in studying, follow the steps below and start your journey to study at EIFM.



Our Career Services department is ready to provide the best opportunities for students to develop their personality, skills and abilities to achieve the best career. If interested, any student can contact our department during or after graduation.

Our colleagues are not only involved in various activities that connect our study institute with major national and multinational corporations, but also build partnerships with major companies or organizations so that we can subsequently offer diverse career opportunities to our students.

The Career Services staff offers students a range of personalized information, which may include a listing of top employers, trends and process in talent recruitment, statistics on average salaries and wages, or other thought-provoking information to help graduates choose the right career path.

Programme subjects

Global Strategy

The aim of the Global Strategy course is to provide students with the skills, knowledge and sensitivity needed to create, maintain and restore a sustainable competitive advantage in a global environment. The subject of Global Strategy deals with issues of international business from an integrated perspective at the company level.

Global business and sustainability

The Sustainable Development Goals are very important global goals. They hold both significant opportunities if creatively exploited and huge risks if not addressed. The aim of this course is to critically examine how different for-profit businesses can contribute to exploiting the opportunities and addressing the risks associated with the SDGs. Upon completion, students should understand the SDGs and critically examine their implications for multinational corporations, understand and critically discuss the theoretical underpinnings of business as a development and policy actor in the global economy, and critically evaluate different approaches to achieving the SDGs, Understand, theoretically evaluate and critically discuss how the SDGs are redefining the relationship between business and society, and critically evaluate the importance of sustainability thinking as a core management skill in managing the challenges and exploring the opportunities within the SDGs.

International economics and innovation

Economics is an important subject that affects the way of life internationally in countries that use the market system to determine the allocation of resources in their society. The aim of this course is to help students understand the workings of the market system in an international setting and to explore the nature and organization of the various societies and arguments that underlie many of today's major global public problems in an international setting and to understand the workings begavior of international business firms and other decision makers through the study of the principles of international economics.

International trade and commercial law

By studying the subject of international trade, students are acquainted with trading on the international market. The course thoroughly explains the concepts of openness of the economy, closedness of the economy and the export and import of goods. The course also focuses on EU membership and its implications in international trade. In the course, students get acquainted with the types of international trade and the consequences of international trade on economic processes. Part of the course is also international business law, which is focused primarily on trading in the international market. The aim is to provide students with an insight into this issue, especially from a commercial legal point of view.

International accounting

This course provides an opportunity to gain real-world experience of accounting in an international context. It introduces the context of accounting information with respect to the wider social, political, economic, natural and cultural environment. On completion of this course you will be able to describe the causes and nature of differences in international financial reporting, explain accounting regulation, explain and evaluate the conceptual framework of financial reporting, understand the theory and practice of consolidated group financial statements, synthesise and effectively use accounting information and knowledge, describe and discuss some key international accounting standards, understand the nature of financial statement interpretation in an international context, and identify, evaluate and critically assess alternative accounting techniques.
Numerical and quantitative skills applied to international accounting scenarios. You will also be able to demonstrate high personal effectiveness, apply critical self-awareness and personal resource management in the context of a diverse business environment.

International marketing

International marketing often requires fundamental changes in how organizations do business in the global marketplace. It is essential for today's business leader to be aware of the implications of marketing strategies and how they are used in different countries with different cultures. The course focuses on identifying and meeting the needs of specific international target markets through close interaction with managers from other functional areas such as promotions, finance, accounting, and human resources.

International Management

We are witnessing a fundamental change in the nature of geopolitics. No longer will the world's business leaders focus on one or two stock markets, currencies, economies or political leaders. Today's business environment is too complex and interdependent for that. Nation states and multinational corporations will continue to be powerful and important. Global networks involving technological, business, social and environmental interest groups will continue to be powerful. Future economic and trade efforts will increasingly be characterised by the search for common ground, productive partnerships and mutual benefit. This course will focus on developing a deeper understanding of how and why management practices and processes may differ around the world, and on developing the skills necessary to operate successfully in this international business environment.

International finance

The increasing reliance on closely integrated foreign operations has opened up a parallel world of finance in every multinational firm that has been overlooked until now. This course therefore examines many aspects of financial decision-making in global firms that have triggered these changes. It briefly explains the overall structure of global finance, outlining an analytical framework that serves as a guide for critical financial decisions regarding financing, investment, risk management, and incentive management in the multinational firm. This framework emphasizes the need to align opposing forces in order for multinational firms to gain a competitive advantage in their internal capital markets.

International negotiation and communication

Intercultural communication is international communication that crosses national borders and involves many different cultures. There are a wide range of communication issues that naturally arise when moving across national borders and in organizations that are made up of individuals from different countries who represent different religious, social, ethnic and educational backgrounds. Intercultural communication seeks to understand how people from different countries and cultures behave, communicate and perceive the world around them quite differently. From a management perspective, it studies situations where people from different cultures interact in a business environment. The course therefore aims to gain an understanding of the differences in language, customs, social attributes, thought patterns and other aspects of the cultures of different groups of people. Understanding cross-cultural communication is essential for conducting international business. This course aims to provide this understanding.

Geopolitics and globalisation

Geopolitics and Globalization is a course that focuses on the fundamental features of the increasing interdependence of economies caused by the revolution in information and transportation technologies. It focuses on its main implications for different groups of countries as well as for the political and cultural balance of the world. Today, everyone uses the word 'globalisation', but there is little agreement on what it means, and it is not surprising that there is even less agreement on whether it is good, bad or mixed for the world economy. This course will not resolve these debates, but following it will allow for a more accurate and correct understanding of what the term means and what globalization means for the world economy and politics.